
  • Let’s connect, discuss your needs and goals, determine if we are a good fit and explore how I can support you on your healing journey.

  • $70.00 each ($140.00 pre-paid package)

  • Options: Individual or Package 50 - Minute Sessions of Four or Eight

    Range: $89.00-$150.00 each

    Typical Areas of Focus:

    • Boundary setting & implementation

    • Disclosure preparation & receiving

    • Divorce contemplation

    • Grief & relational loss

    • Impact letter development & delivery

    • Navigating therapeutic separation

    • Triggers & trauma management

    • Parent/child conversations

    • Safety planning

    • Therapeutic separation planning

  • Options: Individual or Package 45-50 Minute Sessions of Four or Eight

    Range: $89.00-$150.00 each

    Typical Areas of Focus:

    • Anger / Rage

    • Chronic pain


    • Sleep disturbance

    • Trauma

    • Triggers

  • Options: Individual or Package 50-Minute Sessions of Four or Eight

    Range: $89.00-$150.00 each

    Typical Areas of Focus:

    • Understanding the Pain/Brain Connection

    • Body Awareness

    • Emotional Processing

    • Reframing Pain

    • Rewiring the Brain

    • Pain Reduction or Elimination

  • Please submit a contact form to inquire about current and forming groups.

    • Betrayed Women

    • Betrayed Men

    • Chronic Pain

    • Parent / Child Conversations

    • Military Betrayed Partners

    • All payments are USD

    • Limited number of reduced fee openings available, please inquire.

    • All packages require pre-payment.

    • Cancellation Policy: If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel by email at least 48 business hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session.

Scroll down for more information about service options.

Betrayal trauma sex addiction coaching recovery

Partner Betrayal

When you experience a breach of intimate personal trust as a result of betrayal by a loved one, be it from emotional, virtual or physical sexual infidelity, the pain and emotional distress you are or have endured mirror that of PTSD/Complex PTSD and can cause severe and lasting trauma.

What you are experiencing is: Real, Overwhelming, Exhausting, Debilitating, Painful & Extremely Personal!

Processing, understanding, and healing from betrayal trauma is difficult to do alone. When you are ready, I am here to offer resources, education, community and support. Areas we will explore include:

  • Understanding what you are feeling

  • Processing your trauma

  • Coping with flashbacks, anxiety, depression, triggers, and memories

  • Navigating relationships

  • Managing and regulating intense emotions

  • Finding the right support for you!

My network is filled with qualified professionals, so if we are not a “fit”, I am happy to provide alternate options.


A powerful contemporary psychotherapy treatment method, using your field of vision to locate areas in your brain where trauma is stored, that allows people to unpack trauma, and promote mental health and psychological well-being. It helps remove the limitations trauma leaves behind and supports quick healing.

Brainspotting empowers your mind to do the necessary healing as it unites your brain and body to marshal the forces of your body’s self-healing mechanisms.

Compared to other trauma therapies, Brainspotting is a relatively new mind-body trauma treatment focusing on eye movement and position, similar to EMDR. Early and current studies have shown promising results in treating symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, trauma and depression.

Explaining the benefits of brain-body integration through brainspotting.

“Where you look can affect how you feel.”

-David Grand

Chronic Pain Reprocessessing

betrayal sex addiction trauma pain reprocess
chronic pain sex addiction betrayal trauma

A non-invasive structured holistic process approach aimed at addressing the root cause of chronic pain by offering relief by retraining the brain’s pain processing centers. Chronic pain often persists even after the emotional damage or physical injury has healed, and the brain has become overly sensitized to pain signals by creating pain responses even when there is no actual physical threat or tissue damage.

The benefit of PRT is that significant improvements can be seen in just a few sessions, by reframing your pain and helping you feel more empowered to take control of it. Empowerment emerges from the understanding that pain is not a permanent aspect of life and can be altered through retraining the brain.

Success rates are encouraging. A 2021 Jama Psychiatry study found that 66% of chronic back pain patients were nearly or fully pain-free after treatment, compared to 20% in the placebo group.

Benefits of pain reprocessing include positive psychological benefits, addressing your pain’s root causes, reduced reliance on medications, and improved functionality allowing you to re-engage with life and return to healthy and loved activities.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Betrayed Partners Impacted by Trauma

  • Chronic Back Pain

  • Chronic Headaches / Migraines

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS)

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

  • Chronic Pelvis Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

Support Groups

Are you ready to find your “people” and be part of a group that understands you?

All groups are facilitated from a Prodependent lens.

Inquire below about start dates and options.

porn sex addiction betrayed partner support group
porn sex addiction betrayed partner support
porn sex addiction support betrayed partner group